National Day of American Samoa

national dayThe National Day of American Samoa is 17th April  also known as Flag Day. It is a public holiday in American Samoa, a territory of the United States located in the South Pacific Ocean. This celebrates the signing of the Deed of Cession of Tutuila.

National Day of American Samoa

This day marks the anniversary of the signing of the Deed of Cession of Tutuila. The largest and main island of American Samoa, to the United States in 1900. The Deed of Cession formalized American Samoa’s status as a territory of the United States.

The Deed of Cession of Tutuila is a document that formalized the transfer of the island of Tutuila and its surrounding islands from the Kingdom of Samoa to the United States in 1900. Likewise under the terms of the Deed of Cession. The United States agreed to pay the Samoan leaders $20,000 in gold coin, which was distributed among the high chiefs and their families.

In exchange, the Samoan leaders agreed to “cede absolutely and without reservation to the United States of America all right and title of whatsoever nature” to the island of Tutuila and its surrounding islands.

Likewise there is also the National Day of Australia as well as the National Day of USA as well.

Public Holidays in American Samoa

The following are the public holidays observed in American Samoa:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day – third Monday in January
  • Presidents’ Day – third Monday in February
  • Flag Day – April 17
  • Good Friday – varies (Friday before Easter Sunday)
  • Memorial Day – last Monday in May
  • Independence Day – July 4
  • Labor Day – first Monday in September
  • Columbus Day – second Monday in October
  • Veterans Day – November 11
  • Thanksgiving Day – fourth Thursday in November
  • Christmas Day – December 25
See also  National Day of Bahamas


Please note that some holidays, such as Good Friday and Thanksgiving Day.