National Day of Belize

national dayThe National Day of Belize is 10 September, 21 September (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1981). This celebrates significant events in the country’s history. Firstly the Battle of St. George’s Caye as well as the independence of Belize.

National Day of Belize

So if you did not know that the Battle of St. George’s Caye took place on the 10th September 1798. This battle occurred when the Spanish attempted to invade the settlement on St. George’s Caye. At that point in time it was a British colony. It was then that the British settlers as well as the free blacks and slaves fought off the Spanish forces in a two-day battle, securing the territory for the British.

Now Belize only gained its independence from Britain on the 21st September 1981. This was after more than 250 years of colonial rule. The National Day of Belize celebrates both the historical victory at the Battle of St. George’s Caye and its independence from colonial rule.

See also the National Day of Costa Rica as well as the National Day of Haiti as well as the National Day of Puerto Rico.

Public Holidays of Belize 

There are several public holidays in Belize. These include:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Baron Bliss Day – March 9
  • Good Friday – date varies each year (usually in March or April)
  • Holy Saturday – date varies each year (usually in March or April)
  • Easter Monday – date varies each year (usually in March or April)
  • Labor Day – May 1
  • Sovereign’s Day – May 24
  • St. George’s Caye Day – September 10
  • Independence Day – September 21
  • Columbus Day – October 12
  • Garifuna Settlement Day – November 19
  • Christmas Day – December 25
  • Boxing Day – December 26
See also  National Day of Serbia

On public holidays, most businesses and government offices are closed.



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