National Day of Benin

national dayThe National Day of Benin is 1st August (Independence from France in 1960). This is also called the Benin Independence Day and is celebrated annually on the 1st August. This celebrates their independence from France which was on the 1st August 1960.

National Day of Benin

Likewise Benin which was formerly known as Dahomey. They gained independence from France on the 1st August 1960. The struggle for independence in Benin was largely peaceful. This with the country’s main political party, the Dahomeyan Democratic Rally (RDD), negotiating with the French authorities for a peaceful transfer of power.

Firstly the RDD which as that time was led by Hubert Maga. He was successful in the country’s first post-independence election. He also became the first president of independent Benin. Overall, the National Day of Benin is a day of pride, celebration, and unity for the people of Benin.

Likewise there is also the National Day of Belgium as well as the National Day of Fiji and the National Day of Latvia.

Public Holidays in BeninĀ 

Firstly here are the major public holidays observed in Benin:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1st
  • Labour Day – May 1st
  • Assumption Day – August 15th
  • National Day (Independence Day) – August 1st
  • All Saints’ Day – November 1st
  • Christmas Day – December 25th


Finally in addition to these national holidays, there are also regional holidays. Islamic holidays, such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, are also observed in Benin, but the dates vary.

See also  National Day of UAE