National Day of Botswana

national dayThe National Day of Botswana is on the 30 September being independence from the United Kingdom in 1966. This celebrates Botswana’s independence from British colonial rule, which occurred on the 30th September  1966. This is a brief history of the country and its independence.

National Day of Botswana

The independence of Botswana was largely peaceful and was obtained between the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) and the British government. Then came the early 1960s. As you will note that Botswana was then known as Bechuanaland and was a British protectorate at that time. Firstly the BDP which at that time was led by Seretse Khama who was a very popular figure. The same man who had previously been exiled by the British government. The push for independence continued.

The negotiations resulted in the drafting of a new constitution, which was adopted on the 30th September 1966. Seretse Khama became Botswana’s first president, and the country has remained a stable democracy ever since. The independence of Botswana was a significant moment in the country’s history and marked the beginning of a new era of self-rule and development.

The day is a public holiday in Botswana and is celebrated with parades, cultural performances, and other festivities across the country. The National Day of Botswana is an important event for the country as it recognizes the achievement of independence and the progress that has been made since then.

Likewise there is also the National Day of Namibia and the National Day of South Africa. See also the National Day of Zimbabwe.

See also  National Day of Tanzania

Public Holidays in Botswana

Firstly here are the public holidays in Botswana for the year 2023:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Good Friday – April 14
  • Easter Monday – April 17
  • Labor Day – May 1
  • Ascension Day – May 25
  • Sir Seretse Khama Day – July 1
  • President’s Day – July 17
  • Botswana Day – September 30
  • Christmas Day – December 25
  • Boxing Day – December 26

Finally it’s important to note that if a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday.



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