National Day of Brazil

national day

The National Day of Brazil which is also called the Independence Day of Brazil. This is celebrated yearly on the 7th September. This is much like others to celebrate the declaration of independence of Brazil from Portugal in 1822. The leaders of this was Dom Pedro who was the son of the Portuguese King who had been ruling Brazil as a colony.

National Day of Brazil

Dom Pedro was the son of the Portuguese King who already ruled Brazil as a colony. Then on the 7th September 1822 he proceeded to declare the country of Brazil independent from Portugal. He then became the first Emperor of Brazil. This proceeded when in 1889 the country became a Republic. As we know that today Brazil is still one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world.

Like other countries the National Day of Brazil is a public holiday in the country. Government offices are closed as well as business in general. As we know that Brazil has some of the most fantastic celebrations in the world. The celebration of their independence celebrations are no different. It has become the norm that many people dress in green and yellow, the colors of the flag. See also the National Day of Uruguay.

The National Day of Brazil is a very important time for Brazilians. They can look at their history as well as how diverse the country is with a mixture of a very rich and colorful heritage.

You can also see the Anguilla National Day as well as the National Day of Argentina in South America.

See also  National Day of Ghana

Brazil Public Holidays

Brazil has several public holidays throughout the year. The following is a list of the main public holidays in Brazil:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1st
  • Carnival Monday and Tuesday – movable dates in February or March
  • Ash Wednesday – movable date in February or March
  • Good Friday – movable date in March or April
  • Tiradentes Day – April 21st
  • Labor Day – May 1st
  • Corpus Christi – movable date in May or June
  • Independence Day – September 7th
  • Our Lady of Aparecida Day – October 12th
  • All Souls’ Day – November 2nd
  • Proclamation of the Republic Day – November 15th
  • Christmas Day – December 25th

Additionally, some cities and states in Brazil may have their own holidays, which are not observed nationally.



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