National Day of Brunei

national dayFirstly the National Day of Brunei is celebrated on the 23 February. This annual event is to commemorate the countries independence from the United Kingdom. Finally Brunei, a small Southeast Asian country located on the island of Borneo

National Day of Brunei

Firstly Brunei was a British protectorate from 1888 until 1984. In the early 1960s, a movement for self-government began to gain momentum in Brunei. In 1961, a partially elected Legislative Council was established. Finally in 1970, a fully elected council was formed.

Above all, negotiations for Brunei’s independence began in the early 1980s.  After that, on January 1, 1984, the country officially became an independent sovereign state. The event was marked with a grand celebration and the raising of the national flag.

The independence of Brunei was seen as a significant achievement by its people, and it continues to be celebrated each year on February 23rd as the National Day of Brunei.

Public Holidays in Brunei

Firstly here are the public holidays in Brunei:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1st
  • Maulidur Rasul – The Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday – the third month of the Islamic calendar
  • National Day – February 23rd
  • Isra’ Mi’raj – Ascension Day of the Prophet Muhammad – the seventh month of the Islamic calendar
  • Labour Day – May 1st
  • Hari Raya Aidilfitri – End of Ramadan – the tenth month of the Islamic calendar
  • His Majesty the Sultan’s Birthday – July 15th
  • Hari Raya Aidiladha – Feast of the Sacrifice – the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar
  • Islamic New Year – the first day of the first month of the Islamic calendar
  • Christmas Day – December 25th (for Christians)
See also  National Day of Belarus

Finally note that the dates for some of these holidays may vary depending on the Islamic calendar. See also the National Day of Cambodia as well as the National Day of Bangladesh.



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