National Day of Cameroon

national dayThe National Day of Cameroon is on the 20th May which was the creation of a unitary state in 1972. The the anniversary of the country’s independence from France in 1960. This was the transition of Cameroon to self-rule and the beginning of a new era.

National Day of Cameroon

Likewise as you will know is that French Cameroon was initially a German colony but was divided into French Cameroon and British Cameroon after World War I. Now this is where the difference occurs. Firstly the French Cameroon gained independence from France (National Days in France) on the 1st January 1960. Secondly there was the reunification which was on the 1st October 1961. Finally the southern part of British Cameroon then voted to join the newly independent Republic of Cameroon. all the while the northern part joined Nigeria (National Day of Nigeria).

This event is known as the reunification of Cameroon. It was at this time that Ahmadou Ahidjo became the first president of Cameroon after independence, and he led the country until 1982. Also note that multiparty democracy was adopted by Cameroon in the 1990s.

Likewise see also the National Day of Burundi as well as the National Day of Burkina Faso and the Angola National Day.


In addition to the national day, Cameroon also celebrates Youth Day on February 11th and Unity Day on October 1st.

Public Holidays in Cameroon

Here are the public holidays in Cameroon:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Youth Day – February 11
  • Labour Day – May 1
  • National Day – May 20
  • Assumption Day – August 15
  • Feast of the Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha) – date varies according to the Islamic calendar
  • All Saints’ Day – November 1
  • Christmas Day – December 25
See also  National Day of Paraguay

In addition to these national holidays, there are also several regional holidays. See also the public holidays in other places such as the public holidays Tasmania as well as the northern territory public holidays as well as the Hobart public holidays.