National Day of Cyprus

national dayThe National Day of Cyprus  is on the 1st October (Independence Day 1960). Likewise this celebrates the day in 1960 when Cyprus gained its independence from British colonial rule (National Day of Britain). The island had been under British control since 1878 and its independence was a long-awaited moment for the people of Cyprus.

National Day of Cyprus

The celebration of the day in 1960 when Cyprus gained its independence from British colonial rule has been celebrated since then. The island had been under British control since 1878 and its independence was a long-awaited moment for the people of Cyprus.This started in the 1950s when a campaign for independence began to gain momentum. In 1959, the Zurich-London agreements were signed, paving the way for Cyprus to become an independent republic the following year.

Likewise on the 1st October 1960, the British flag was lowered for the last time, and the Cypriot flag was raised in its place. Archbishop Makarios III became the first President of the Republic of Cyprus, which became a member of the United Nations in the same year.

Likewise also see the National Day of Italy as well as the National Day of Greece and the National Day of Turkey.

Public Holidays in Cyprus

Here is a list of public holidays in Cyprus:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1st
  • Epiphany – January 6th
  • Green Monday – The first day of the Orthodox Lenten season (usually falls in February or March)
  • Greek Independence Day – March 25th
  • Good Friday – The Friday before Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday – The Monday after Easter Sunday
  • Labour Day – May 1st
  • Pentecost Monday – The Monday after Pentecost Sunday (usually falls in May or June)
  • Assumption Day – August 15thCyprus Independence Day – October 1st
  • Ochi Day (Greek National Day) – October 28th
  • Christmas Day – December 25th
  • Boxing Day – December 26th
See also  National Day of Benin


Note that dates for some holidays, such as Green Monday and Pentecost Monday. See also the National Day of Croatia.



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