National Day of Egypt

national dayThe National Day of Egypt is on the 23 July (Revolution Day, the revolution of 1952), 6 October (Armed Forces Day, the beginning of the October War 1973), 25th January. anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, which led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic.

National Day of Egypt

Likewise on July 23, 1952 a group of young Egyptian officers, known as the Free Officers Movement, launched a coup against the ruling monarchy. This at the time was led by Gamal Abdel Nasser. The aim of the coup by the officers was to end the British occupation of Egypt. What they wanted was an independent government with political and economic reforms.

It was then that the revolution was successful as we know today. At this time Egypt became a republic and as predicted then with General Muhammad Naguib as its first president. However this was short lived asĀ  in 1954 Gamal Nasser overthrew Naguib and assumed the presidency. This changed the economic policies of Egypt to socialistic and economic nationalism.

Today, the National Day of Egypt is celebrated with parades, speeches, and other festivities across the country. It is a time for Egyptians to reflect on their nation’s history and celebrate their culture and traditions.

See also the National Day of Sudan and the National Day of Central African Republic and the National Day of Chad.

Public Holidays in Egypt

Some of the major public holidays in Egypt are:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1st
  • Coptic Christmas – January 7th
  • Revolution Day – January 25th
  • Sinai Liberation Day – April 25th
  • Labor Day – May 1st
  • Eid al-Fitr – varies based on the Islamic calendar
  • Revolution of 1952 Day – July 23rd
  • Eid al-Adha – varies based on the Islamic calendar
  • Islamic New Year – varies based on the Islamic calendar
  • Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday – varies based on the Islamic calendar
See also  National Day of Maldives

It is important to note that the dates for some of these holidays may vary slightly each year. See also the Holidays in Vatican City as well as the Tasmania public holidays on here.



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