National Day of Moldova

national dayThe National Day of Moldova is annually on the 27th August (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the Soviet Union 1991). Likewise this is also known as the Independence Day. This also marks the day when the country declared its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

National Day of Moldova

Likewise the declaration of independence was a significant event for Moldova, as it marked the end of over 50 years of Soviet rule. The road to independence for Moldova was complex. After the collapse of the Soviet Union being in the late 1980’s the Soviet Union began to collapse. The former states started to look at republics. The adoption of the Declaration of Independence was adopted on the 27th August 1991.

Likewise negotiations with the Soviet Union started and then on the 25th December 1991 the Soviet Union came to an end. There was the recognition of independence in 1994.  Moldova adopted a new constitution, which established a democratic system of government and a market economy. See also the National Day of Malta as well as the National Day of Monaco and the National Day of Luxembourg.

Public Holidays in Moldova

The following are the major public holidays in Moldova:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1st
  • Orthodox Christmas Day – January 7th
  • International Women’s Day – March 8th
  • Easter Sunday and Monday – dates vary each year
  • Labor Day – May 1st
  • Victory Day – May 9th
  • Independence Day – August 27th
  • Language Day – August 31st
  • National Wine Day – the first weekend in October
  • Christmas Day – December 25th
See also  National Day of Chile


See also the Maltese National Day as well as the National Poland Day and the Macedonian National Day.



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