National Day of Norway

national dayThe National Day of Norway is on the 17 May (Constitution Day, the signing of the first Norwegian Constitution in Eidsvoll 1814). Likewise this is known as “Norway’s Constitution Day,” which as stated is celebrated annually on the 17th May year.  This is for the signing of Norway’s constitution on the 17th May 1814, which established Norway as an independent nation.

National Day of Norway

The process was not easy as the signing of the Constitution started earlier that year in January 1814. This you will note that this followed at the end of the Napoleonic Wars. In January 1814, representatives from all over Norway gathered in Eidsvoll, a town north of Oslo, to participate in a national assembly. The assembly was convened to create a new constitution for an independent Norway. This with the dissolution of the union between Denmark (National Day of Denmark) and Norway. The Norwegian constitution also granted basic rights and freedoms to Norwegian citizens, such as freedom of speech.

The celebrations also have Children’s parades, known as “17th of May parades,” are a common feature of the day. This with children dressed in traditional costumes and carrying Norwegian flags. You will also see these  include speeches by politicians and public figures. They would normally sing the Norwegian national anthem, “Ja, vi elsker dette landet” (Yes, we love this country).

See also the National Day of Poland as well as the National Day of Netherlands and the National Day of Montenegro.


Public Holidays in Norway

Here are the major public holidays in Norway:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1st
  • Maundy Thursday – the Thursday before Easter Sunday
  • Good Friday – the Friday before Easter Sunday
  • Easter Sunday and Easter Monday – usually in late March or early April
  • Labor Day – May 1st
  • National Day of Norway – May 17th
  • Ascension Day – 40 days after Easter Sunday
  • Whit Sunday and Whit Monday – 7 weeks after Easter Sunday
  • Christmas Day – December 25th
  • Boxing Day – December 26th
See also  National Day of Palau


In addition to these national holidays, there are also regional holidays



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