National Day of Palau

national dayThe National Day of Palau is on the 9th July (Constitution Day, the world’s first nuclear-free constitution 1981; “nuclear-free” dropped in 1994 in order to become an associated state to the United States in the Compact of Free Association).

National Day of Palau

This day ins known as Constitution Day which is celebrated annually on the 9th July. This day celebrates the adoption of the country’s constitution of 1981. This established the Republic of Palau as a self-governing nation.

Palau is a small island nation located in the western Pacific Ocean, northeast of Indonesia (National Day of Indonesia) and east of the Philippines (National Day of the Philippines). The country is made up of over 500 islands, but only eight of them are inhabited. The people of Palau are known for their rich culture, which includes traditional crafts, music, dance, and storytelling.

Likewise see the Maldives Independence Day  as well as the Pakistan Independence Day and Vietnam National Day .

Public Holidays in Palau

Here are some of the major public holidays in Palau:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1st
  • Independence Day – March 1st
  • Good Friday – The Friday before Easter Sunday
  • Easter Sunday – The Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox
  • Memorial Day – May 30th
  • Independence Day – July 9th
  • Senior Citizens’ Day – October 1st
  • United Nations Day – October 24th
  • Thanksgiving Day – The fourth Thursday in November
  • Christmas Day – December 25th
  • Boxing Day – December 26th
See also  National Days in May

It’s worth noting that some of these holidays, such as Good Friday and Easter Sunday, are moveable and their dates can change from year to year.



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