National Day of Peru

national day

Firstly the national day of Peru is on the 28th July. This is to celebrate their independence from Spain in 1821. The day is called the Fiestas Patrias, or Patriotic Festivals. You will note below that it is a public holiday that spans two days in Peru. Finally there is an annual celebration that starts on the eve of national day and then proceeds over the two day period.

National Day of Peru

Normally the national day celebrations begin on the 27y. This is on the eve of start of celebrations. It would normally starts with a military parade in Lima the Capital city. Other cities also join in at this point. Then the following day on the 28yj of July there is usually a formal ceremony. This is held in the Plaza de Armas. In Peru this is also called the “Day of the Armed Forces and the National Police”.

José de San Martín was a General from Argentina (National Day of Argentina) who help to liberate Peru. He was part of the force who defeated the Spanish forces at the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824. Simón Bolívar also helped to liberate many countries in South America. Tupac Amaru II was a leader of the indigenous peoples of Peru. His rebellion was suppressed by the Spanish. Francisco Bolognes is another hero as well as Miguel Grau.

Peru Public Holidays

In Peru, there are several public holidays throughout the year, including:

  • New Year’s Day (January 1)
  • Holy Thursday and Good Friday (varies depending on the year)
  • Labor Day (May 1)
  • Anniversary of the Battle of Arica (June 7)
  • Saint Peter and Saint Paul’s Day (June 29)
  • Independence Day (July 28 and 29)
  • Santa Rosa de Lima Day (August 30)
  • All Saints’ Day (November 1)
  • Immaculate Conception Day (December 8)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
See also  National Day of Cuba

It is important to note that some public holidays, such as Holy Thursday and Good Friday. See the South America National Days on here.