National Day of Philippines

national dayThe National Day of the Philippines, also known as “Araw ng Kalayaan” or “Independence Day”, is celebrated on the 12th June. The day celebrates the country’s independence from Spanish colonial rule on the 12th June 1898. Read below on the history of the country and their day of independence.

National Day of Philippines

Firstly the Philippines has another complex history in Asia much like Singapore (National Day of Singapore). Secondly the country was long living under Spanish rule which they did not want. Thirdly nuch like all independence movements in the world. This gives rise to heros. The Philippines  has been no different with the rise of Jose Rizal. He inspired the revolution against the rule of the Spanish which led to the declaration of independence on the 12th June 1898. He was born on the 19th June 1861, in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines. Rizal was ultimately executed by the Spanish colonial government on charges of rebellion, sedition, and conspiracy. He died on December 30, 1896, in Bagumbayan, Manila. Finally today in the Philippines, with his birthday (June 19) being observed as a holiday.

Firstly in the Philippines, June 19, which is the birthday of national hero Jose Rizal, is not currently recognized as a national holiday. However, it is celebrated as “Rizal Day” on December 30, which is a national holiday that commemorates his execution in 1896.

Public Holidays in the Philippines 

Here are the public holidays in the Philippines:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Araw ng Kagitingan (Day of Valor) – April 9
  • Maundy Thursday – varies each year (movable holiday)
  • Good Friday – varies each year (movable holiday)
  • Labor Day – May 1
  • Independence Day – June 12
  • National Heroes Day – last Monday of August
  • Bonifacio Day – November 30
  • Christmas Day – December 25
  • Rizal Day – December 30
See also  National Day of Andalusia Spain

Finally in addition to these national holidays, there are also regional holidays. See also the National Day of Pakistan as well as the National Day of New Zealand.



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