National Day of Senegal

national dayThe National Day of Senegal is on the 4th April (Independence from France 1960). Independence Day or “Fête de l’indépendance,” is celebrated annually on the 4th April. This is to celebrate the country’s independence from France, which was achieved on the 4th April 1960.

National Day of Senegal

Senegal was under French colonial rule (National Day of France) for many years before gaining its independence. The movement for independence gained momentum in the 1940s and 1950s, and Senegal became an autonomous republic within the French Community in 1958. Two years later, on the 4th April 1960, Senegal gained full independence and became a sovereign nation.

Likewise see the National Day of Sierra Leone and the National Day of Sudan and National Day of Rwanda.


Public Holidays in Senegal

The following is a list of the main public holidays in Senegal:

  • New Year’s Day: January 1st
  • Independence Day: April 4th
  • Labor Day: May 1st
  • Ascension Day: May/June (date varies)
  • Eid al-Fitr: date varies according to the Islamic calendar
  • Korité: date varies according to the Islamic calendar
  • Tabaski: date varies according to the Islamic calendar
  • All Saints Day: November 1st
  • Christmas Day: December 25th

In addition to the above public holidays, there are also regional and religious holidays that are observed in Senegal.



See also  National Day of Niger