National Day of Suriname

national dayThe National Day of Suriname is on the 25 November (Independence Day, from the Netherlands 1975). Suriname was under Dutch rule for more than 200 years before its independence. The public holidays for Suriname has been listed below.

National Day of Suriname

The national day commemorates the country’s independence from the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This came very late in South America as it only arrived on the 25th November 1975. As you know that Suriname is a country located on the northeastern coast of South America. Unlike other countries in the region there was no armed struggle in the country. This came by negotiations in the later 1950’s.

The people advocated for more self rule and autonomy from the Dutch. Then in 1954 they got limited self rule and the people would not decide how they wanted to govern themselves. Then by 1960 they pushed for even more autonomy and started negotiations on this condition. In was in 1973 that an agreement was reached and on the 25th November 1975 they got their independence.

Suriname then had its own parliamentary democracy with a president. There have been many challenges since then. However the national day on the 25th November is celebrated. The National Day of Paraguay as well as the National Day of Guyana also have very interesting histories. For more turbulent histories see the National Day of Venezuela and the National Day of Peru as well.

Public Holidays for Suriname

Here are the public holidays observed in Suriname:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Good Friday – varies (usually in March or April)
  • Easter Monday – varies (usually in March or April)
  • Labor Day – May 1
  • Indian Arrival Day – June 5
  • Emancipation Day – July 1
  • Day of the Indigenous People – August 9
  • Independence Day – November 25
  • Christmas Day – December 25
  • Boxing Day – December 26
See also  National Day of Belgium

Note that some holidays, such as Good Friday and Easter Monday, are observed on different dates each year.



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