National Day of Tonga

national dayThe National Day of Tonga is on the 4th June (Emancipation Day abolition of serfdom 1862, independence from the United Kingdom 1970). We have listed the public holidays below for Tonga. See the history of the national day of Tonga.

National Day of Tonga

The National Day of Tonga is celebrated annually on the 4th November. This is also known as Tonga Independence Day and this day marks the country’s independence from British protection on the 4th November 1970.

Likewise the day is celebrated throughout Tonga with parades, traditional dancing, music, feasting, and various cultural activities. Finally the Tongan Royal Family typically leads the celebrations, with the King delivering a speech to the nation.

Firstly the National Day of Tonga is an important holiday for the Tongan people. Secondly it is a time to celebrate their heritage, culture, and independence. Finally it is also an opportunity to reflect on Tonga’s history and the struggles that were faced during the process of gaining independence.

Likewise see the National Day of Uganda as well as the National Day of Tunisia and the National Day of Togo.

Public Holiday in Tonga

Firstly there are several public holidays in Tonga, including:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1st
  • Good Friday – varies annually
  • Easter Monday – varies annually
  • ANZAC Day – April 25th
  • Emancipation Day – June 4th
  • King Tupou VI’s Birthday – July 4th
  • Constitution Day – November 4th
  • Christmas Day – December 25th
  • Boxing Day – December 26th
See also  National Day of Bangladesh

Finally in addition to these holidays, there may be other national and local holidays.



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