National Day of United States

national dayThe National Day of United States is on the 4 July (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain 1776). We have listed the public holidays below for the United States. You will note the US anthem added below.

National Day of United States

Likewise on the 4th July 1776 declared the 13 American colonies as a new nation, free from British rule. The 13 colonies that declared their independence from Great Britain on July 4th, 1776 were:

  • New Hampshire
  • Massachusetts
  • Rhode Island
  • Connecticut
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Pennsylvania
  • Delaware
  • Maryland
  • Virginia
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Georgia

See also the public holidays in the United States.

Public Holidays in America

Likewise here are some of the major public holidays in America:

  • New Year’s Day (January 1)
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January)
  • Presidents’ Day (third Monday in February)
  • Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
  • Independence Day (July 4)
  • Labor Day (first Monday in September)
  • Columbus Day (second Monday in October)
  • Veterans Day (November 11)
  • Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)

It’s important to note that some holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, are typically observed by most businesses and organizations. See also the National Day of Mexico as well as the National Day of Canada.

Alabama State Holiday

They have “Confederate Memorial Day” and it is observed on the fourth Monday in April. Confederate Memorial Day commemorates those who died fighting for the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War.

Alaska State Holiday

They have  “Seward’s Day” and it is observed on the last Monday in March. Seward’s Day commemorates the signing of the Alaska Purchase treaty on March 30, 1867, which transferred the ownership of Alaska from Russia to the United States.

Arkansas State Holiday

Likewise they have “Daisy Gatson Bates Day” and it is observed on the third Monday in February. Daisy Gatson Bates Day commemorates the civil rights activist Daisy Gatson Bates and her role in the Little Rock Nine, a group of nine African American students who were integrated into Little Rock Central High School in 1957.

California State Holiday

Likewise they have “Cesar Chavez Day” and it is observed on March 31st. Cesar Chavez Day commemorates the birth and legacy of Cesar Chavez, a civil rights and labor movement leader who co-founded the United Farm Workers union and dedicated his life to fighting for the rights of farmworkers and other marginalized groups.

Georgia State Holiday

They have “Confederate Memorial Day” and it is observed on the fourth Monday in April. Confederate Memorial Day commemorates those who died fighting for the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War.

Hawaii State Holiday

Likewise they have “King Kamehameha Day” – observed annually on 11th June, this holiday honors King Kamehameha I, the founder of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Likewise there is also “Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day” – observed annually on 26th March, this holiday commemorates the birth of Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, a Hawaiian prince and political leader who served as a delegate to the United States Congress from 1903 to 1922.

Kentucky State Holiday

Note that they have “Colonel Harland Sanders’ Birthday” and it is observed annually on the 9th September. The holiday honors the birth of Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Louisiana State Holiday

Likewise there is “Mardi Gras Day” – this holiday is observed on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Christian season of Lent. Likewise “Election Day” – in Louisiana, state and local government offices are closed on the day of a presidential primary election, as well as on the day of a statewide general or congressional election.

Maine State Holiday

They have “Patriots’ Day” and it is observed on the third Monday in April. Patriots’ Day commemorates the start of the American Revolutionary War and the battles of Lexington and Concord, which took place on April 19, 1775.

Maryland State Holiday

Likewise there is “Maryland Day” and it is observed annually on the 25th March. The holiday celebrates the day in 1634 when the first European settlers arrived in the Maryland colony. Maryland Day is a state holiday only.

Massachusetts State Holiday

They have “Patriots’ Day” – this holiday is observed on the third Monday in April and commemorates the Battles of Lexington and Concord, which were the first battles of the American Revolution. Likewise “Evacuation Day” – this holiday is observed annually on the 17th March . This to celebrate the day in 1776 when British troops evacuated Boston during the Revolutionary War. Evacuation Day is a public holiday in Suffolk County, which includes the city of Boston.

Minnesota State Holiday

Likewise there is the “Minnesota Statehood Day” and it is observed annually on the 11th May. The holiday commemorates the day in 1858 when Minnesota became the 32nd state to join the United States. Minnesota Statehood Day is not a legal holiday.

See also  National Day of Luxembourg

Mississippi State Holiday

They have “Confederate Memorial Day” – this holiday is observed on the last Monday in April which celebrates the Confederate soldiers who died during the American Civil War. Confederate Memorial Day is a legal holiday in Mississippi. Likewise there is the “Mississippi Statehood Day” – this holiday is observed annually on the 10th December and commemorates the day in 1817 when Mississippi became the 20th state to join the United States. Mississippi Statehood Day is not a legal holiday.

Missouri State Holiday

Likewise they have “Truman Day” and it is observed annually on the 8th May. The holiday commemorates the birthday of former President Harry S. Truman, who was born in Missouri in 1884. Truman Day is not a legal holiday, but it is recognized by the state government.

Montana State Holiday

They have “Montana Day” and it is observed on the first Saturday in June each year. This holiday celebrates the day in 1864 when Montana became a territory of the United States. Montana Day is not a legal holiday.

Nebraska State Holiday

They have “Arbor Day” and it is observed on the last Friday in April annually. Arbor Day originated in Nebraska in 1872 and is dedicated to planting and caring for trees. Nebraska was the first state to officially observe Arbor Day as a public holiday.

New Hampshire State Holiday

They have “General John Stark Day” and is celebrated on the fourth Monday in April annually. General John Stark was a Revolutionary War hero who is known for his famous quote “Live free or die,” which became the state motto of New Hampshire. General John Stark Day is a day to honor his contributions to the state and the country.

New Mexico State Holiday

Likewise they have Indigenous Peoples’ Day – This holiday is observed on the second Monday in October each year and celebrates the Native American cultures and contributions to the state of New Mexico. The holiday was established in 2019 to replace Columbus Day.

There is also Cesar Chavez Day – This holiday is observed annually on the 31st March and honors the life and work of Cesar Chavez. He was a civil rights activist who co-founded the United Farm Workers union. Chavez was born in Arizona, but spent much of his life fighting for the rights of farm workers in California and other parts of the Southwest, including New Mexico.

Oregon State Holiday

They have the “Oregon’s Birthday” and is celebrated on February 14th each year. This holiday commemorates the day in 1859 when Oregon was admitted to the Union as the 33rd state.

Rhode Island State Holiday

They have holidays in which certain state offices and businesses may close, but they are not official state holidays:

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day (3rd Monday in January)
  • Presidents’ Day (3rd Monday in February)
  • Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
  • Independence Day (July 4)
  • Labor Day (1st Monday in September)

South Carolina State Holidays

They observes several unique public holidays in addition to the federal holidays. These include:

Confederate Memorial Day on the 10th May as well as Carolina Day on the 28th June to celebrate the Battle of Sullivan’s Island during the American Revolution. Likewise there is Secession Day on the 20th December is a day to remember when South Carolina seceded from the United States in 1860.

Finally there is Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Third Monday in January: This is a federal holiday, but South Carolina also celebrates it as a state holiday, often referred to as King Day at the Dome, with events taking place at the State House in Columbia.

South Dakota State Holidays

Firstly there is Native American Day which is observed on the second Monday in October, this holiday recognizes and celebrates the history, culture, and contributions of Native American tribes and individuals in South Dakota. Secondly there is the Day of Remembrance which is observed annually on the 29th December.

This holiday celebrates the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890. This took place on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota and resulted in the deaths of over 250 Lakota Sioux men, women, and children. The Day of Remembrance is a time for reflection and honoring the victims and their families.

Texas State Holidays

Likewise Texas Independence Day on the 2nd March celebrates the signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence from Mexico in 1836. There is also San Jacinto Day which is held annually on the 21st April which celebrates the Battle of San Jacinto in 1836, which resulted in Texas winning its independence from Mexico.

There is also Juneteenth on the 19th June which celebrates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in Texas on June 19, 1865, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.Finally there is also Confederate Heroes Day celebrated annually on the 19th January which Honors Confederate soldiers who fought during the American Civil War. However, this holiday is controversial and not widely celebrated in Texas.

See also  National Days in April

Utah State Holidays

The State has Pioneer Day which is celebrated on the 24th July commemorate the arrival of the first group of Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. Likewise the is the Utah Statehood Day which is celebrated on the 4th January to celebrate the day that Utah was admitted as the 45th state in the United States in 1896.

Vermont State Holidays

There is the Town Meeting Day which is held on the first Tuesday in March is designated as Town Meeting Day, a day when citizens gather to discuss and vote on various town issues. Likewise there is Ethan Allen Day which is a holiday on the 12th February which celebrates the birthday of Ethan Allen, a Revolutionary War hero who played a significant role in the formation of Vermont. Finally there is Bennington Battle Day on the 16th August which celebrates the Battle of Bennington, a Revolutionary War battle fought in 1777 that helped secure a critical victory for American forces.

Virginia State Holidays

Virginia has a few holidays. There is the Lee-Jackson Day which is celebrated on the Friday before Martin Luther King Jr. Day (the third Monday in January), this holiday celebrates the  birthdays of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. There is also George Washington Day which is also known as the Presidents’ Day. This holiday is celebrated on the third Monday in February and honors the first president of the United States, George Washington.

Lifewise there is also the Confederate Memorial Day which is observed on the last Monday in May. This holiday celebrates the soldiers who fought for the Confederacy during the American Civil War. There is also Juneteenth which is celebrated on the 19th June. This holiday marks the end of slavery in the United States and is also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day.

Finally there is also Columbus Day which is celebrated on the second Monday in October, this holiday celebrates the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas. Then Veterans Day which is observed on the 11th November. This holiday honors all veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

Washington State Holidays

These are not mandatory holidays such as Columbus Day on the second Monday in October as well as Native American Heritage Day which is on the fourth Friday in November.

West Virginia State Holidays

These is the West Virginia Day whichis on the 20th June which celebrates the state’s admission to the Union in 1863. There is also Jefferson Davis’ Birthday on the 3rd June which celebrates the birth of the President of the Confederate States of America, who was born in Kentucky but spent his childhood in Mississippi and later settled in Louisiana. Finally there is Veterans Day on the 11th November which honors veterans who have served in the US armed forces.

Wisconsin State Holidays

They celebrate “Casimir Pulaski Day,” which is observed on the first Monday in March to honor the Polish-born Revolutionary War hero Casimir Pulaski. This holiday is only observed in Wisconsin and Illinois. There is also days which are not public holidays such as the  “Opening Day of Deer Hunting Season,” which falls on the Saturday before Thanksgiving each year. Finally there is also “Native American Day” on the fourth Friday in September to celebrate the contributions and culture of Native Americans in the state.

Wyoming State Holidays

Wyoming has “Wyoming Equality Day,” which is celebrated annually on the 27th January. This is to celebrate Wyoming’s statehood and to honor the state’s role in granting women the right to vote. Likewise there is “Cheyenne Day,” which is observed on the last Friday in July. Additionally, Wyoming observes a holiday called “Wyoming Day” on the first Monday in December. This to celebrate the anniversary of the state’s admission to the Union on July 10, 1890.



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