Western Australia Public Holidays

national day

These are the holidays for Western Australia. Check with local government as to their official dates with regards to salaries, government office hours and any events planned for those public holidays in Australia. Each region of Australia does have their own public holiday calendar so check them all.

Western Australia Public Holidays

Sure, here is a list of public holidays in Western Australia for the year 2023, including regional holidays:

  • New Year’s Day: 1 January
  • Australia Day: 26 January
  • Labour Day: 6 March
  • Good Friday: 14 April
  • Easter Saturday: 15 April
  • Easter Monday: 17 April
  • ANZAC Day: 25 April
  • Western Australia Day: 5 June
  • Queen’s Birthday: 25 September
  • Christmas Day: 25 December
  • Boxing Day: 26 December

In addition to the above, there are also some regional holidays in Western Australia:

  • Foundation Day (also known as Western Australia Day): Monday, 5 June (for the Perth metropolitan area only)
  • Queen’s Birthday (also known as Goodwill Day): Monday, 25 September (for the following areas only: Eucla, Gascoyne, Goldfields, and Pilbara regions)

Please note that the dates of regional holidays may vary from year to year. It’s always a good idea to double-check with your local government or employer to confirm the exact dates of public holidays in your area. See the National Day of Australia as well as theĀ Queensland Public Holidays as well as the Tasmania Public Holidays. Also see the Western Australia Public Holidays.



See also  Public Holidays in Dominican Republic